Was mir auf der Seele brennt

My second week of half marathon preparation

Now the second week of my half marathon preparation is over. And it went much better than the first. My foundation before this preparation was probably better than I thought. Because this week I have no pain at all. Neither in my shins nor in my muscles. The reason for the pain last week was just the change and the slightly different load.

This time I started with interval training, which had one more interval than last week. I still don't enjoy it, but I know how important it is and how much it helps me. However, by the forelast interval, I had run out of steam and found it difficult to motivate myself to continue.

I did the first run in zone 2 on the treadmill again. In the process, I ran a new personal best in the 5km. I would never have expected that. The next day was the first race of the year. And the first one in three years. 5km at the Rewe-Team-Challenge. I hadn't taken it that seriously until then. I had absolutely not trained for it. On the contrary: before the half marathon preparation, I always ran at least 10km. My routes were never shorter. So I was a bit afraid of not running the 5km in the time that was expected of me. That I expected from myself. But when I had set a new best time on the treadmill the day before, I took courage on the one hand. I wasn't as bad as I had thought. But there was still the fear that I wouldn't make it. Running outside is different from running on a treadmill. You are forced to run at a constant speed, the underground is always the same, you don't have to avoid anything or anyone, the weather doesn't change ... All these factors scared me.

But then the adrenaline kicked in! And that made me run a new best time. Outside! With all the factors that had scared me. In the end, it was a time I would never have dreamed of in my life. That I would never have set as a goal. Because I always thought it was unattainable for me. It showed me what achievements are possible under certain circumstances. And it motivated me a lot for the coming weeks and that my half marathon goal is not too high after all.

Disclaimer: I don't write all the concrete numbers here because no one should compare themselves with me. Every person is different and my way doesn't have to be your way. If you still want your own plan, feel free to send me an email or a message on Instagram.

My 1st week

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