Was mir auf der Seele brennt

My twelfth week of half marathon preparation

After a two week break, I have now reached week 12. And it's definitely getting serious! The two weeks helped me very well to gain a mental distance. Thanks to distractions, I didn't have to think about training and the competition all the time. And that's good, because by now I sometimes feel a bit panicky when I think about it. But actually there is no reason for it. I just have to pull through a bit more.

Even though I was very active during the two weeks, my body changed. Because the exercise was different than usual and I didn't pay as much attention to my diet. I notice this now because my weight and body fat percentage are higher than before, which I can now track better thanks to my own smart scale and no longer rely on the (non-functioning) one at the gym. When I was training, I noticed that my heart rate went up faster than usual (during interval training it was even much higher than it should have been) and I did fewer repetitions during strength training. As a result, my muscles are now very sore. Of course, the fact that all four training days followed each other directly was not helpful either (don't copy this!).

But none of that is a reason to worry. For one thing, I was aware of it and for another, I trust myself and my body that we will get back into shape in the next two weeks. I know how well and quickly it can adapt again. Of course, I still have to discipline myself a bit and pull myself through, but I'll manage. Because what I learned again on holiday is to follow through. Because when you're in an area where there are no buses or taxis, you have to pull through the 30km hike. Even if it's hard and every other thought is "I can't do it anymore!" Is. But right after that also comes the thought "Giving up is not."

So: Two weeks to go! Close your eyes and go for it! Giving up is not an option!

Disclaimer: I don't write all the concrete numbers here because no one should compare themselves with me. Every person is different and my way doesn't have to be your way. If you still want your own plan, feel free to send me an email or a message on Instagram.

My 11th week

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