It is very difficult for me to find the right words to start with. Because my preparation is over and tomorrow I will see if it has brought anything. I am excited, sad and happy at the same time. I wanted to have a goal to train towards. I wanted to push my body to and beyond its limits. And I have definitely achieved that.
I have been through a lot in the last few weeks and months. Positively and negatively. I have doubted myself (week 7), I have learned what it means to persevere (week 4, week 12), I have made mistakes and learned from them (week 8). But I have also tried new things (week 8) and had great moments of success (week 2).
It was an exciting time that ends tomorrow. And I'm looking forward to training in a more relaxed way again afterwards. This week I have already started to have maximum strength and endurance tomorrow. I went running 4 times (I just can't do without it), but didn't do much more than that and allowed myself to put my legs up in the evening (that was very unusual). So tomorrow can come! Below is my to-do list:
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in recent weeks and months. No matter in which way. Be it through likes, comments, messages, good to talk, exchange and tips or training together. But also for giving up time together and listening to my whining. Thanks also for reading my posts here! And on behalf of everyone who may feel addressed, an extra thank you to Björn, Nico and Richard! Because even though I ultimately run alone and am solely responsible for everything, you are a part of it. Thank you!